
        發(fā)布時間:2018-09-10 來源: 歷史回眸 點擊:

        英語口語網(wǎng)權威發(fā)布英語短文聽力入門 第90期:洗衣機,更多英語短文聽力入門 第90期相關信息請訪問英語口語網(wǎng)。

        Pat looked at the washer. The washer had dials on it. It had two dials on it. There were words next to each dial. Each dial had three words next to it. The words next to one dial were Small, Medium, and Large. This dial was for the size of the load. Did Pat have a small load, a medium load, or a large load? The words next to the other dial were Cold, Warm, and Hot. Did Pat want to wash her clothes in cold water, warm water, or hot water? Pat turned one dial to Large, and the other dial to Hot. Then she pushed the Start button on the washer.

        相關熱詞搜索:英語短文聽力入門 第90期:洗衣機 法語入門聽力短文 英語聽力小短文

        版權所有 蒲公英文摘 www.zuancaijixie.com