1220иZTask 1
Which one of the following volunteer work would you prefer doing? Tutoring children, driving senior citizens around or teaching adults to read?
Task 2
If theres something you want to buy, do you prefer saving money yourself to buy it or ask someone to borrow some money to buy it?
Task 3
W(xu)hO(sh)Ӳ?yn)ܶW(xu)(jng)^У@ Ůͬ?yn)鲻ÿ˶(jng)^P(gun)һshowֻЈD^NϢ͕e^Ӳ̫߀ϲgNϢ
1220иZTask 4
Task 5
}ĿؑŮՓxAmerican landscapeՓԒ}̈́eԈԳԼԒ}?yn)˽ϲgԒ}؏(f)presentationĕrҕXc(din)oҲԓQfolk art@Ԓ}ώҲϣҌW(xu)(x)µĖ|Ѓ(ni)ݶҪ
Task 6
P(gun)~20181220иZ} 2017иZ} 2015и(d)Z