ãңɣӣɣӡƣϣãգӣᡯ󡡣֣ Shopper's Voice

        l(f)r(sh)g:2020-03-27 Դ: ĬЦԒ c(din)

        It is an accepted fact that the emerging Asianeconomies are reeling from the swirling global financialstorm, although their woes remain relatively shallow. Froma long-term perspective, the stagnation in the Western worldraises questions about Asia"s future. So what are the biggestchallenges facing Asia in response to the crisis? How canthe region seek a return to fast-track growth?

        P(gun)~FOCUS CRISIS Voice ãңɣӣɣӡƣϣãգӣᡯ֣ u seast asia relations europe


        (qun) ѹӢժ www.zuancaijixie.com