2018šQӢZx~~M8 šQӢZ

        l(f)rg:2018-10-01 Դ: ĬЦԒ c


        1. (a y) hundreds of ((sh)԰Ӌ)buildings() were wrecked by the earthquake().

        a) shaken(u ) b) fallen(£  죬 ٲ)

        c) damaged (Ɖ p) d) trembled(l(f) )

        1. c wreckھ~ ~x顰Ɖġ c(Ɖ)Ǵ𰸡


        damage ? destroy ? wreck

        2. (b y) the use of the chemical(W(xu) W(xu)Ʒ) may present(ʬF(xin) ϯ F(xin)ڵģ Y F(xin)) a certain hazard to the laboratory() workers.

        a)protection(o(h)) b)indication (ָʾE)

        c) immunity () d) danger(ΣU)

        2.d. hazard~ʹÕr~x顰ΣU ΣU顱 dǴ


        present ? cause ? create ? bring about ? lead to

        hazardous ? dangerous ΣU

        indicate ? show - reveal @ʾ

        be immune from (a ) ? be free of ڡ

        3. (a y) the leading(һλҪ) astronomers(ČW(xu)) of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries(o(j)) were fascinated by comets().

        a) intrigued(dȤ \ ԎӋ) b) infected(Ⱦ Ⱦ)

        c) inconvenienced() d) inclined( A, ʹJ(rn))

        3. a. fascinate~xһ ~x顰ʹԡ aǴ𰸡


        fascinate ? attract ? intrigue

        4.(by)the constitution()s vague nature(|(zh) Ȼ) has given it the flexibility( `) to be adapted(׃ ʹm(yng)) when(...ĕr) circumstances(h(hun)) change.

        a)imprecise ((yn)ܵģ _) b) concise ( )

        c)unpolished(]дĥ oɵ) d) elementary(ģ A(ch))

        4.a. vagueĻ~x顰ģ ġ aǴ𰸡

        P(gun)~2018šQӢZx~~M8 ߿ӢZ~M W(xu)λӢZ~M


        (qun) ѹӢժ www.zuancaijixie.com